Electronic systems on a chip have already changed the world. Will optical systems on a chip change it again? This presentation will discuss how optical technologies developed for communications enable a wide range of optical sensors. Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) with thousands of optical elements propel performance of optical systems on a chip to a new level. Is there an inflection point at which Very Large Scale PICs (VLSPICs) will replicate success of VLSIC in the end of last century?
Vladimir Kozlov is the founder and CEO of LightCounting, an optical communications market research company established in 2004 with an objective of providing in-depth coverage of market and technologies for high speed optoelectronic interfaces employed in communications. By now, LightCounting is the leading market research company covering the optical networking supply chain, including Cloud companies, Service providers, equipment and component manufacturers. He has more than 30 years of experience in optoelectronic technologies and devices, optical communications and market research. Dr. Kozlov held market analyst, product development and research staff positions at RHK Inc., Lucent Technologies and Princeton University and holds several US patents and has numerous publications in the area of optoelectronics. He received M.Sc. at Moscow State University in Russia and Ph.D in Physics at Brown University in the United States.